In Tanzania, tipping is generally appreciated for good service, although it’s not always obligatory. Here are some standard tipping guidelines to consider:

  1. Restaurants: In upscale restaurants, a service charge may already be included in the bill, in which case additional tipping may not be necessary. However, if there’s no service charge, it’s customary to leave a tip of around 5-10% of the total bill. In more casual dining establishments, tipping is less common but still appreciated, with rounding up the bill or leaving a small tip being acceptable.

  2. Hotels: Tipping hotel staff such as bellhops, housekeeping, and concierge is customary. For bellhops who assist with luggage, a tip of around $1-$2 per bag is typical. For housekeeping, leaving a small daily tip of $1-$2 is customary. Concierge services may warrant a tip depending on the level of assistance provided.

  3. Tour Guides and Drivers: If you’re on a guided tour or using transportation services such as safari guides or taxi drivers, tipping is customary. For guides, a tip of around $5-$10 per person per day is standard, depending on the quality of service. For drivers, a tip of around $2-$5 per person per day is typical.

  4. Porters  When using porter services at airports, train stations, or hotels, it’s customary to tip around $1-$2 per bag.

  5. Other Services: Tipping may also be appropriate for other services such as spa treatments, boat rides, or cultural performances, depending on the level of service and your satisfaction.

Remember that these are just general guidelines, and tipping practices can vary depending on the specific circumstances and your level of satisfaction with the service received. If you’re unsure about tipping in a particular situation, it’s perfectly acceptable to ask locals or your tour operator for advice. Additionally, always tip in the local currency (Tanzanian Shilling) if possible, and consider carrying small bills for tipping convenience